Shawna Bigby Davis

Shawna Bigby Davis Profile Photo

CEO, Health Coach, Author and Speaker

Why do we keep pushing ourselves, even when we know it makes us sick?
Why do we value others’ opinions more than what our own bodies tell us?
Why do we give our negative thoughts so much power over our quality of life?
This is the BS We Feed Ourselves.
And it’s literally killing us.
But there is a way out of this painful cycle.
I know, because I’ve been there.
And once I figured out how to get out of my own way, I found the answers to getting my health — and life — back.
I’m Shawna Bigby Davis.
Join me as we free kick the BS out of our minds and off our plates so we can heal.

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Shawna Bigby Davis is an autoimmune and burnout health coach for A-type overextended women and founder of

After 12-years of mysterious symptoms and medical gas-lighting, Shawna sold her business after she discovered she had 3 autoimmune diseases and wanted to heal naturally. She now helps women heal by understanding the link between trauma, gut health, and our mental outlook on life.

She is a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and health-tech founder of, an AI-based coach for daily autoimmune wellness, and is on a mission to help 50 million Americans do the same.