April 16, 2020

30. Anxiety vs Arousal: Are you attracting the wrong people?

Summary: Megan Bruneau is a psychotherapist, executive coach and podcast host. She has more than 12-years of experience and specializes in perfectionism-related issues, such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Deepak Chopra dubbed her "the...

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March 26, 2020

27. Fatigued, Fat & Frazzled? Sexology doctor shares health tips | Dr…

Summary: Dr. Keesha Ewers is a doctor of sexology, a board-certified functional medicine provider, a best-author and a mother of four. She works with women to reverse their autoimmune disease, heal childhood trauma and make friends with the woman they...

Listen to the Episode
Feb. 13, 2020

21. Nutritionist: “What Hair Loss and Feminism Have in Common”

Summary: Britt Reuter, a certified nutrition specialist, business owner and author of eBook “Girl’s Guide to Reversing Hair Loss.”   She shares what hair loss and being a feminist have in common.  Britt’s personal experience...

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 30, 2020

19. Getting Personal with the Founders of Paleo f(x)

Summary:  Michelle and Keith Norris are the founders of Paleo f(x), the world’s best holistic healing and wellness event. In this episode, they talk about how you can optimize your health. They also share tools you need to manage burnout, and...

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 15, 2020

17. How to Reclaim Yourself & Stay in Business | Emily McDowell (Part…

Emily McDowell, Founder of empathy card company opens up about her personal struggles in business

Listen to the Episode
Jan. 9, 2020

16. Cancer, Empathy Cards & Losing Herself in Business | Emily McDowe…

Emily McDowell is a writer, illustrator, and founder of greeting card company Emily McDowell and Friends

Listen to the Episode
Dec. 12, 2019

12. Why Feeling UNSAFE is Damaging Your Health

Karden Rabin, a health and wellness expert, teacher and entrepreneur shares how we unknowing damage our health, when we react to stressful or threatening situations.

Listen to the Episode
Nov. 28, 2019

10. How To: Have Difficult Conversations in Business

There's no mean in business, Shawna Bigby Davis drops some truth bombs

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 31, 2019

6. NBA Life Coach: "HACK Your Mental Health"

David Nurse shares redemption story and his secret to having no fear

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 24, 2019

5. Clairvoyant for Fortune 500 CEOs shares wellness secrets

Gwen Dittmar, a clairvoyant shares her secrets to good health

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 17, 2019

4. Is your shame making you SICK? | Philip Folsom

Exploring how shame, ego and society standards could be making people sick

Listen to the Episode
Oct. 7, 2019

3. "The Paleo Mom" talks Imposter Syndrome & growing up sick

Dr. Sarah Ballantyne shares how living with an undiagnosed autoimmune issue can lead to loneliness and the normalization of symptoms.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 30, 2019

2. The Dangers of the "Keto High" | Grace McCalmon

Some diets may work at first, but they could be hurting us in the long run.

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 29, 2019

1. Why Staying Single Is A Form of Healthcare I V Capaldi

Autoimmune Awareness and Relationships with Paleo Boss Lady V Capaldi

Listen to the Episode
Sept. 21, 2019

Shawna's Story

Raising Awareness about Autoimmune Disease and How to Overcome It

Listen to the Episode