29. On the verge of burnout? How to meditate for beginners (PART 2)

Summary: Dr. Shelly Sethi shares what it’s like to be an A-type, how it affects our health and how to meditate for much-needed mental peace. Dr. Sethi is a best-selling author and a board-certified family physician. If you’re not a mediator, and...

Summary: Dr. Shelly Sethi shares what it’s like to be an A-type, how it affects our health and how to meditate for much-needed mental peace. Dr. Sethi is a best-selling author and a board-certified family physician. If you’re not a mediator, and you need some basics, this is the episode for you. 

What We Learn: 

02:05 “You're doing so much more for people, by allowing them to do for you.” - Dr. Shelly Sethi 

04:02 Gratitude discussion

08:29 Melissa from Whole 30's head injury and the science

11:34 Exercise + Sauna

17:41 Meditation and peak performance

18:39 How To Make Meditation Work For You: “start with one minute" 

19:38 Let's say you have a mother in law you're at odds with…

21:51 Explanation of how our memories change

27:19 The block to meditation for some people is the pain it brings up

29:11 Breathwork can be more powerful than some medications? 

29:35 The “BS” Shelly feeds herself: “I'll go to the gym tomorrow. I'll make better choices tomorrow.”  

30:42 the “BS”  that "we're all going to die and it doesn't matter." 

33:00 Why sleep is so important

36:33 Dr. Sethi’s book writing process

Helpful Links:

The Environmental Working Group website:  https://www.ewg.org/

Skin Deep website:  https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/

Dr. Shelly Sethi’s website: http://www.drshellysethi.com/

The BS We Feed Ourselves Website: TheBSWeFeedOurselves.com

The BS We Feed Ourselves Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebswefeedourselves/

Shawna’s personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnabigbydavis/