Summary: Dr. Shelly Sethi is a best-selling author and a board-certified family physician. In this episode, we discuss mind-body practices: meditation, and our need for connection. In the midst of a global pandemic, Dr. Sethi shares how the mind and...
Summary: Dr. Shelly Sethi is a best-selling author and a board-certified family physician. In this episode, we discuss mind-body practices: meditation, and our need for connection. In the midst of a global pandemic, Dr. Sethi shares how the mind and body work together to support the immune system or influence disease.
What We Learn:
09:25 How your thoughts and mind can influence disease
11:00 Her dad’s struggle with diabetes; eating; type a personality; being an immigrant
21:23 C-section vs vaginal births, gut bugs, and autoimmune vulnerability
25: 51 How chemicals in our water and food are influencing our health
26:28 Could poor air quality be a diabetes diagnosis?
28:42 The importance of using clean products on your skin, hair, makeup.
30:10 With the spike of online beauty influencers; there’s also been a spike in counterfeit makeup. ( IE: makeup pallets full of lead, super glue, mercury)
35:09 “Study shows: people that isolated themselves tended to get sick more often” (importance of community)
35:51 Being with people = decrease stress, be happy, have enjoyable moments.
38:06 Most doctors aren’t asking: Who are your friends? Who do you hang out with?
38:45 We're living so close together, but we don't have community
39:28 How people didn't get the same benefit from the virtual church
40:03 We have to make time for friends, family and to meet our neighbors
40:57 We are ultimately beings that need to tell our story.
41:24 Making yourself busy and attending a lot of events is not the same as community
Helpful Links:
The Environmental Working Group website: https://www.ewg.org/
Skin Deep website: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/
Dr. Shelly Sethi’s website: http://www.drshellysethi.com/
The BS We Feed Ourselves Website: TheBSWeFeedOurselves.com
The BS We Feed Ourselves Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebswefeedourselves/
Shawna’s personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnabigbydavis/