23. CBD Innovator:

Summary: Laura Komkov is an innovator, businesswoman and “Medical Unicorn." She is also the co-founder of Canvas 1839 -  a company focused on creating optimized drug delivery technologies in the cannabis space. Her motivation stemmed from...

Summary: Laura Komkov is an innovator, businesswoman and “Medical Unicorn." She is also the co-founder of Canvas 1839 -  a company focused on creating optimized drug delivery technologies in the cannabis space. Her motivation stemmed from autoimmune and genetic problems that she’s experienced since age 12. 

What We Learn: 

01:17 - Laura’s diagnosis troubles

03:24 - How/ Why Laura found CBD

05;57 - CBD in a Listerine strip? 

06:24 - CBD vs THC vs COA

09:16 - The “BS Laura's dad said.”

10:14 - That's BS - what Laura's dad said. 

17:21 - I don't feel great every day

18:31 - Everybody thinks they have to have a side-hustle 

23:14 - The unusual reason why your workout may not be working for you

24:06 - What “Canvas 1839” means 

24:12 - Each day we wake up and we should be a blank canvas but not many of us are. 

25:31 - Cannabis history trivia

25:49 - How CBD engages the whole body as a system

25:50 - Is CBD a gateway drug? 

30:09 - How Canvas 1839 helped people with Arthritis and Neuropathy issues 

32:48 - They used hemp to clean Chernobyl & Why you need "CLEAN" CBD

37:56 - The BS Laura is feeding herself 

38:45 - Shawna explains why women are more entrepreneurial, but only 1% make it over the 100K mark

46:08 - What's in Shawna's Bag segment 

49:06 - Coupon Code: “RELIEF15” 

49:56 - CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take? 

50:03 - “We're truly in an epidemic because we eat stress for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. “ -  Shawna Bigby Davis 


Links Mentioned: 

Canvas 1839 website: https://www.canvasrelief.com/

The BS We Feed Ourselves website: http://thebswefeedourselves.com/

The BS We Feed Ourselves Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebswefeedourselves/

Shawna's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shawnabigbydavis/