Summary: Karden Rabin is an author, health and wellness expert, and teacher. In this episode, Karden shares how so many of us are “addicted to stress” and what we can do overcome our appetite for stress and live truly healthier...
Summary: Karden Rabin is an author, health and wellness expert, and teacher. In this episode, Karden shares how so many of us are “addicted to stress” and what we can do overcome our appetite for stress and live truly healthier and more sustainable lives. One tip, Type A personalities can make sure to prioritize their health as well as their clients with some simple phrases like, "let me get back to you" before saying "yes!"
What We Learn:
07:20 - How saying "let me get back to you" before saying "yes!" will make you happier and healthier. How type a's can make sure to prioritize their health as well as their clients
07:50 - "I’m tired of being tired."
08:00 - There is an equal and opposite resentment inside of us for everyone and everything we take care of.
08:40 - This is my life’s work, I feel like I need to be a representative of it, not a perfect example of it.
9:26 - Why Karden is Paranoid about "guru-isms'
11:15 - Hospitalized approx 20 times for near-death asthma
12:49 - Benefits of acupuncture
13:15 - I find a little piece of me in each person - love this line by Shawna
15:01 - Karden's emotional correlations with Asthma
15:12 - "Stressed The F*ck Out" - Karden's book. being addicted to feeling stressed. Shawna loved stress
22:01 - if you've ever had a boss that has made you feel "unsafe at work.” There's a good chance your body/mind reacted in a way that caused you to feel ill.
24:58 - Stress school - integrated stress management
25:10 - Could meditation be holistic Xanax for your 'bad marriage?"
33:28 - The BS Karden was feeding himself.
35:33 -The ONE thing Karden strives for every day. I think that's a good reality check about what life is about AND the importance of gratitude.
40:59 - What's in Shawna’s bag mention. - Dandelion Root Tea
42:13 - What's in Karden's Bag? A backup pair of underwear, tissues and a checkbook!
Links Mentioned:
Karden Rabin's Stress School at www.kardenrabin.com
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