17. How to Reclaim Yourself & Stay in Business | Emily McDowell (Part 2)

Emily McDowell, Founder of empathy card company opens up about her personal struggles in business

Summary: Emily McDowell is a writer, illustrator, speaker, teacher, entrepreneur, and founder of Emily McDowell and Friends - a company specializing in greeting cards and other products that speak to the human condition. Their mission is to help people connect when they’re not sure what to say. McDowell, 43, was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 24. In this episode, she opens up about what her diagnosis taught her about the human condition. She also shares the trials and triumphs of launching her now successful greeting card company and how it continued to affect her health. 

What We Learn: 

“I used humor as a coping mechanism. That was my primary coping mechanism. I would rather be living a life where I don't have to cope with, so I don't have to use humor to get through my day. I would rather be living that version of my life, than the version where I'm funny but miserable.” - Emily McDowell 

02:30 - Was Emily Running Away?

02:52 - Running away doesn't work, because wherever you go, there you are. Like it says on the bumper sticker. 

07:16 - How Emily has separated her identity from her productiveness

09:01 - Feel like you're on a hamster wheel?? So did Emily. Then she realized it was in her head.

11:09 - Realizing what makes you tick and why you react a certain way is instrumental in the healing process-- Shawna explains

11:40 - What is it about me that is so upset by this thing?

14:16 - What if "healing" means losing the thing that makes us interesting? (Or funny?)

17:33 - Humor as a coping mechanism

22:43 - Dealing with “copy cats”

23:01- The BS I’m feeding myself is that sharing my story is attention-seeking.  -Emily McDowell

26:33 - Emily gets real about her “management style”  and "dealing with conflict"

27:50 - Reveals she "sucks" at THIS thing

30:05 - “It's not often that we get to create something that really MAKES A DIFFERENCE for people, and the feedback that we've gotten over the years from thousands and thousands of people is about how THIS THING has changed relationships and given them an opportunity to reconnect and apologize, support… etc.” - Emily McDowell 

30:46 - THIS makes me feel seen, and all the other stuff makes me feel even worse

Links Mentioned 

Emily McDowell and Friends:  Website

Emily McDowell business: Instagram

Emily McDowell personal: Instagram

Shawna’s: Instagram

BSWFO: Instagram

The BS We Feed Ourselves: Website 

Coupon Code: Use the Code NOMOREBS anytime before March 1st, 2020 for 20-Percent off any order at emilymcdowell.com.